Blog Posts

Your IT Project probably isn’t….

By Nathan Jones / September 23, 2020 / Comments Off on Your IT Project probably isn’t….

Saying that your project is an IT project because it is based on a computer system is a bit like saying that any piece of paper in your business with words on it must be managed by an English Literature graduate. I’m not suggesting that English Literature is a bad thing, far from it (but…

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Calling on a coach is more a sign of determination to succeed than an admission of failure!

By Nathan Jones / September 23, 2020 / Comments Off on Calling on a coach is more a sign of determination to succeed than an admission of failure!

I’ve heard it said that going to see a coach means that you have failed. That you are weak and can’t make it. I have a great British word for that. Bollocks! Any professional athlete knows that no matter how skilled and accomplished you are, a coach is essential to help you be focussed, to…

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Recruiters are people too

By Nathan Jones / September 11, 2020 / Comments Off on Recruiters are people too

It’s a frustrating time in the job market right now. We all get that…I think… It’s strange to see great professionals looking forlornly at their inbox having received yet another impersonal templated rejection. I get it. It’s easy to blame the recruiters for not responding to your application. Under normal circumstances professional courtesy dictates that…

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Those People…

By Nathan Jones / May 20, 2020 / Comments Off on Those People…

Imagine being in Sydney, you’ve just returned from training a team in Hong Kong, only to get a call from the Asia VP. “We need you in Shanghai tomorrow, or we might lose our biggest customer”. That phone call represented $45Million USD a year. More than that. It potentially represented the jobs of more than…

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What is your RTW Plan?

By Nathan Jones / May 7, 2020 / Comments Off on What is your RTW Plan?

I wrote in a recent article about the benefit of a BCP, or Business Continuity Plan. After a lot of staring out of the window and shuffling of feet I’m guessing that many of you had the same thought: “Well, he’s right…but it’s too late now since everything has already changed”. I said then, and…

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Accountants make lousy Schedulers!

By Nathan Jones / May 4, 2020 / Comments Off on Accountants make lousy Schedulers!

I have a lot of respect for accountants and their skills with money, but I’d advise against letting them loose on your schedule. I was told when I first started out in the Project game, that if you want to cost your schedule effectively, you need to schedule your costs. Sounds like the same thing,…

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There’s always time, right?

By Nathan Jones / April 28, 2020 / Comments Off on There’s always time, right?

Right about now that wonderfully well thought through and easily followed business continuity plan that you prepared in advance of a major shift in the business environment is of great benefit. What a relief….. Right? Although, perhaps you are like the substantial majority of CFOs, MDs and CIOs and kept putting off that annoying little…

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So, who brought the popcorn?

By Nathan Jones / April 27, 2020 / Comments Off on So, who brought the popcorn?

Meetings have always been a part of business life. We can’t avoid them. Some people wouldn’t even if they could…(you know who you are…) These days we’ve moved from in person to virtual meetings. It seems that we’ve also relaxed the general rules associated with running a meeting. We seem so excited at the prospect…

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One battle your business doesn’t need

By Nathan Jones / April 20, 2020 / Comments Off on One battle your business doesn’t need

How do you balance the business for success? Surely it is just setting up measures for each team and letting them work towards scoring as high as possible, right? Many businesses that I have seen set up their teams to fight one another. Not intentionally, I’ll admit. It’s just that there seems little overall plan…

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Why are you fighting to get back the way things were?

By Nathan Jones / April 19, 2020 / Comments Off on Why are you fighting to get back the way things were?

Maybe it’s just my observation, but there seem to be a lot of people trying desperately to get back the way things were. This seems funny to me. So many people used to complain about their jobs, their bosses, inflexible working arrangements, or just about the way things were in general. So why fight to…

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